The Universe, the Deep Sea and Us
About Anne Duk Hee Jordan’s exhibition The The End Is Where We Start From at KunstHaus Vienna
Ada Karlbauer
Deep Unlearning
Why We Need an Intersectional Technofeminist Perspective on AI
Sabine Weier
Cartographies of the Anthropocene
On Brian Holmes’ Political Ecology
Christoph Chwatal
The Murmur of Reason
About Selma Doborac’s Film De Facto
Simon Nagy
“Order and Disruption of Order“
Radical Art at the GDR Nuclear Power Center Dresden-Rossendorf
Jochen Becker
Cheers to springerin!
Edit András
A Weird Demise of the Benevolent “Westernizer”
Boris Buden
Death to the Past
Hans-Christian Dany
Cooperate, Conspire, Make Pacts – with Plants
Yvonne Volkart
Image Gallery (including Musical Piece)
Ines Doujak
Answering Two Questions on the 30th Anniversary
Alice Creischer und Andreas Siekmann
Abdul-Sharif Oluwafemi Baruwa
Image Gallery
Imagining a Combative Turn in Art Discourse
Süreyyya Evren
Ad hoc the Second Contemporary
Image Contribution
Boris Ondreička
Why Art Can No Longer Express Grief
Keti Chukhrov
Black on White
Image Contribution
Milica Tomić
Stefan Rusu – Seeds of Hope: Engagieren, zurückgewinnen, ermächtigen
Lilia Dragneva
Mathias Poledna
Christian Höller
Christine Kozlov
Susanne Neuburger
Ana Lupas – Intimate Space – Open Gaze
Christa Benzer
15. Baltische Triennale: Same Day
Hedwig Saxenhuber
Oscar Tuazon – Words for Water
Ada Karlbauer
Die Sammlung betrachten & An Insert by … Klaus Scherübel Cranach’s Holy Productivity
Christian Egger
Aleksandra Domanovic
Mounira Zennia
Noor Abuarafeh/Huda Takriti – Several attempts for not forgetting
Ursula Maria Probst
Medardo Rosso – Die Erfindung der modernen Skulptur
Vanessa Joan Müller
Aruna D’Souza:
Imperfect Solidarities
Paul Buschnegg
Ray Kurzweil:
Die nächste Stufe der Evolution
Peter Kunitzky
Ariella Aïsha Azoulay:
The Jewelers of the Ummah. A Potential History of the Jewish Muslim World
Viktoria Metschl
Jonas Staal:
Climate Propagandas
Sumugan Sivanesan