Issue 1/2024


Everyone is talking about AI. Since various text and image generators have been unleashed on humanity, discussions have been raging on many levels: whether this is not completely undermining the value of human creativity; whether this is not gradually making human actors superfluous in more and more areas; whether this is not opening the door to counterfeiting and deep fakes; and whether this is not encouraging a potentially authoritarian regime that turns us all into technological subjects. However, questions like these are just the tip of an iceberg that has in fact been growing for decades and is currently coming to the attention of a wider public. One could also say that the various – and indeed very different – AI applications have reached such a critical mass that hardly any area of society remains unaffected by it. It is precisely t... » read more


Net section

Rettende Träume
William Kherbek

Jenseits der Zentralperspektive
Sabine Weier

Einzigartig generativ
Christian Höller

Das starke Kollektiv
Bettina Maria Brosowsky

Critical Radio
Sumugan Sivanesan



Künstler*innen als User*innen oder als Tools?
Anuradha Vikram

Kunst aus dem Feedbackloop
Christa Benzer, Arthur Flexer, Manu Luksch, Thomas Raab

KI-Kunst und ihre Auswirkungen auf Kunstschaffende
Harry Jiang, Lauren Brown, Jessica Cheng, N.N. (anonyme*r Künstler*in), Mehtab Khan, Abhishek Gupta, Deja Workman, Alex Hanna, Jonathan Flowers, Timnit Gebru

KI und Frieden
Clemens Apprich

„Es ist so einfach, ein interessantes Bild zu produzieren“
Tilman Baumgärtel

Die KI und ich
Carnegie Mellon University Robotics Institute

Intelligence as Concentration of Power
Interview with Meredith Whittaker, President of Signal, about AI and Big Tech
Yannick Fritz

These Networks In Our Skin (2021)
Mimi Ọnụọha

Begrenzt zukunftsfähig
Anthony Downey

Die Konsequenzen der Überschreitung. Zum Tod von Günter Brus, dem Erfinder der Body Art
Günther Holler-Schuster



Revolutionary Romances? Globale Kunstgeschichte in der DDR
Rahma Khazam

Sarah Pierce – Scene of the Myth
Ana Teixeira Pinto

Women in Revolt! Art and Activism in the UK 1970–1990
Christian Egger

Esra Ersen – A Possible History
Michael Hauffen

Giulia Andreani – L’Improduttiva UND Andreas Gursky – Visual Spaces of Today
Jochen Becker

radical matter: when materialism is no longer enough
Gudrun Ratzinger

Ján Mansuska – Incomplete Movement
Susanne Neuburger

Ján Mancuska – Incomplete Movement
Susanne Neuburger

Darker, Lighter, Puffy, Flat
Melanie Letschnig

HARD/SOFT. Textil und Keramik in der zeitgenössischen Kunst
Ada Karlbauer

Anna Witt – Workers Forum
Bettina Maria Brosowsky



Hans Scheugl:
Von fremden Vätern
Gabriele Jutz

Guillaume Paoli:
Geist und Müll. Von Denkweisen in postnormalen Zeiten
Peter Kunitzky

Naomi Klein:
Doppelganger. A Trip Into the Mirror World
Vera Tollmann

David Sala UND Pere Ortín/Ramón Nzé Esono Ebalé:
Das Gewicht der Helden UND Zehntausend Elefanten
Martin Reiterer

