
Issue 4/2024

Climate Dignity

What does it mean to live sustainably, or better: in a sustainable world? Does this also include a kind of “climate dignity”, i.e. the human right not to be affected by the climate catastrophe in basic constituents such as health, freedom, well-being, etc.? This question arises particularly in relation to those people, communities and countries that are most affected by the effects of climate change. Furthermore, these effects do not only affect the dignity of humans, but that of all other organisms and life forms as well. What’s at stake here is the entire network of ecosystems, which are currently spiraling out of control, which can only be addressed if the interdependence between humans and their environments is taken seriously in all its manifold manifestations.

The “Climate Dignity” issue, which is being produced in cooperation with the Section for International Cultural Affairs of the Austrian Foreign Ministry and accompanies its annual project “Imagine Climate Dignity”, is dedicated to questions such as the following: What do sustainable living models look like that enable people to live with dignity while simultaneously respecting the dignity of their natural environments? Which climate protection and adaptation measures are currently the most urgent, and how can artistic concepts contribute to the effective implementation of these measures? How can artistic approaches promote the protection of biodiversity and other planetary boundaries? What role can digital technologies, especially artificial intelligence, play in the implementation of “climate-friendly” lifestyles? And finally, how can we succeed in ushering in a new era of comprehensive regeneration based on a lasting balance between humanity and the environment? The December 2024 issue explores all of this in essays, conversations and individual features.

Publication date: December 16, 2024