Issue 3/2008

Alien’s Rights

Debates on the status of »non-native« individuals and sections of the populace have recently grown more heated again. This is manifested not simply in calls for special treatment by the law for individuals affected by current deportation practice, but also in more general discussions on the scope and details of what is dubbed the »settlement and residence act«; in a nutshell, aliens law. In addition, however, broader political concerns, such as the installation of an international border-management system extending across Europe, also have a considerable impact on this debate. At the same time – and this is the other, civil society side of the debate – questions of cultural belonging, national identity or an up-to-date notion of citizenship (of a state) are less clear than ever. The »Aliens Law« edition pursues individual thematic strands... » read more


Net section

Positively Autocratic
Lessons on Irreplaceability in the South American World of Magazines
Maria Berrios

Homo Ludens Ludens
In search of the essence of video games
Alessandro Ludovico

Maximalist Visual Hedonism
An Interview with Marius Watz about Generative Art
Franz Thalmair

Editing viewers
How the digital availability of film and video alters our viewing habits
Annett Busch

Broken Recall
The film »Invisible City« by Singaporean director Tan Pin Pin observes documentarists, photographers, filmmakers, journalists, archaeologists and biographers in their self-defined form of observing history
Jochen Becker

Futures & Pasts
For 30 years, the label Sordide Sentimental has devoted itself to exquisite forms of music distribution
Christian Höller


Alien’s Rights

The return of the concept of »race«
On the transformation of the megalomaniac notions of race and racism by creating an »intimate enemy« – often under the mantle of universalism
Etienne Balibar

»Curiosity« (Drawings I–LII)
Image Gallery
Ulrike Müller; Text: Achim Hochdörfer

Through the Eyes of a Zombie
Europe, those who are excluded and the event of being together
Krystian Woznicki

Universalism in Art and the Art of Universalism
Thoughts on the »globalization« of the art system, taking the United Arab Emirates as example
Alice Creischer, Andreas Siekmann

Repetitively and in solitude?
In Beirut the 4th edition of »Home Works – A Forum on Cultural Practices« took place
Nat Muller

The Stranger as Erlkönig
Süreyyya Evren

An agent still at work
The trauma of collective memory of the socialist past
Edit András

Between the Worlds
Influence on and Cooperation with Post-Soviet Kyrgyzstan
Julia Gwendolyn Schneider

Not from here
On figures of foreignness in the work of Luis Buñuel
Rainer Bellenbaum

Questions Put to Now
About two special programs at the International Short Film Festival Oberhausen
Tanja Widmann



»Sex Burns. Magnus Hirschfeld’s Institute for Sexual Research and the Burning of the Books«
Sabine Rohlf

Braco Dimitrijevic
»Louvre is my studio, street is my museum«
Naoko Kaltschmidt

Lia Perjovschi
Performances 1987–2007
Jörn Ebner

Dmitrij Aleksandrovic Prigov
»Citizens! Don’t Forget! Please«
Herwig G. Höller

Matthew Buckingham
Cynthia Chris

Paul Chan »The 7 Lights«
Benjamin Paul

»Bildpolitiken«/»Picture Politics« / Markus Scherer »World Cup Arena«
Michael Hauffen

Vasilena Gankovska
»Urban Melodramas«
Daniela Radeva

Katya Sander
»Production of Future. A Science Fiction about Counting«
Vera Tollmann

»As soon as I open my eyes I see a film –
Experiment in the Art of Yugoslavia in the 60’s and 70’s«
Hedwig Saxenhuber

»PUNK – No One Is Innocent«
Christian Höller

»MATRIX Sexes / Relations / Revisions«
Carola Platzek

Runa Islam
»Empty the Pond to get the Fish«
Christa Benzer

Institutional Criticism as an Instituting Practice
Johannes Porsch



Paula Braga (Hg.):
Fios Soltos: A Arte de Hélio Oiticica
Max Hinderer

Mercedes Bunz:
Vom Speicher zum Verteiler. Die Geschichte des Internet
Hans-Christian Dany

Dietmar Dath:
Maschinenwinter. Wissen, Technik, Sozialismus.
Hans-Christian Dany

Marina Grzinic / Rosa Reitsamer (Hg.):
New Feminism
Christa Benzer

Serge Paugam:
Die elementaren Formen der Armut
Susanne Karr

