Issue 4/2011

»Good« Friendship

»Like«. This label, which is spreading like wildfire nowadays, has come to epitomise a new culture of friendship and friendliness. Liking or enjoying something is increasingly not a matter of subjective aesthetic taste, but has instead become a central interface of commonality transmitted through media channels. In this context friendship is not so much an extension of the individual ego into the social realm but instead, conversely, a kind of relay by means of which the cultural (and everything pertaining to the culture industry) connects its subjects to each other. In this respect the figure of over 800 million active users of the social network Facebook sends a clear message – even if there is still much racking of brains as to the kind of friendship that is now being implemented all over the world. In any event this syndrome does appea... » read more


Net section

My borrowed friends and I
Platforms, better than television
Jana Herwig

Distraction from the Real?
The video-book »Learning from YouTube« by Alexandra Juhasz
Sandra Groll, Marc Ries

Über die Mauer springen
Vera Tollmann

Tricky brains
Pieter T’Jonck

Digital archive – analogue accessories
The opening of the Lygia Clark Art Center in Rio de Janeiro
Max Jorge Hinderer

Architectural/Auditory Attraction
The Project »The Morning Line« Stops Over in Vienna
Roland Schöny


»Good« Friendship

The friendship dimension
Against the commodification of social relationships
Jan Verwoert

The Terror of Positivity
An Interview with the Philosopher and Media Theorist Byung-Chul Ha
Vera Tollmann

Bernhard Fruehwirth. Bildstrecke
Bernhard Fruehwirth

(Multiple) Identities in Social Networks
Alessandro Ludovico

When friendship gets gamified
Daphne Dragona

Eastern enlargement to the East
The Polish collective Krytyka Polityczna is currently expanding into the Ukraine and Russia: but is its Polish success story really transferable?
Herwig G. Höller

Connections, Networks and Alliances
On the Relevancy of the Term »Networking« in the Arts – An Interview with Ulf Wuggenig
Pascal Jurt

Hanne Hammer Stien

Whose nostalgia is Ostalgia?
An Eastern Europe and Former Soviet Republics survey exhibition in the New Museum, New York
Edit András



»Museum of Parallel Narratives. In the Framework of L’Internationale«
Juliane Debeusscher

Henrik Olesen »How Do I Make Myself a Body?«
Rachel Mader

Geissler/Sann »volatile smile. Ein uneinschätzbares Lächeln«
Michael Hauffen

»Communitas. Die unrepräsentierbare Gemeinschaft«
Christian Höller

Julia Wallnöfer

Doris Salcedo »Plegaria Muda«
Sophie Goltz

»Sense and Sensibility«
Monika Vykoukal

»Die Chronologie der Teresa Burga. Berichte. Diagramme. Intervalle/29.9.11«
Karin Jaschke

»Beziehungsarbeit/Kunst und Institution«
Walter Seidl

Jan Švankmajer »Das Pendel, die Grube und andere Absonderlichkeiten«
Christa Benzer

Inés Lombardi »Past Present – Close and Distant«
Hedwig Saxenhuber



Wolfgang Müller:
Wolfgang Müller »Die Elfe im Schlafsack«, »Valeska Gert«, »Kosmas«
Barbara Eder

Beate Fricke, Markus Klammer, Stefan Neuner:
Beate Fricke, Markus Klammer, Stefan Neuner (Hg.) »Bilder und Gemeinschaften. Studien zur Konvergenz von Politik und Ästhetik in Kunst, Literatur und Theorie«
Naoko Kaltschmidt

Sarah Glidden:
Sarah Glidden »Israel verstehen – in 60 Tagen oder weniger«
Martin Reiterer

Claudia Reiche:
Claudia Reiche »Digitale Körper, geschlechtlicher Raum Das medizinische Imaginäre des »Visible Human Project«
Gabriele Werner

Katharina Pewny:
Katharina Pewny »Das Drama des Prekären. Über die Wiederkehr der Ethik in Theater und Performance«
Susanne Karr

