Issue 2/2019
Liberalism is currently the talk of the town. And that’s not all: it has become one of the most fiercely contested contemporary concepts. It is only gradually that one begins to glimpse what exactly is at stake when liberal thinking on the one hand has to be defended in a kind of rearguard action, while on the other hand its limitations are constantly invoked. On the defensive on one front, on the offensive on another: on the one hand, there is growing concern as to whether any kind of universally valid concept of freedom can be salvaged; on the other hand, we find now familiar attacks directed against precisely this freedom, in keeping with the catchphrase of emphatically propagated illiberalism. What exactly does one mean when claiming to be liberal (or illiberal) in this sense? It is certainly not just about controversial economic liber... » read more
Den Weg zu etwas Kommendem ebnen
Christian Höller
Unperforming Blackness
Astrid Peterle
Black Quantum Futurism
Rasheedah Phillips
Die letzte Schlacht
Florian Malzacher
Dunkle, neue Zeit
Thomas Edlinger
“You Are Right But I Disagree!”
An e-mail exchange on current issues of artistic and curatorial freedom
Ana Teixeira Pinto, Roee Rosen
Der Schutz der Sicherheit (2018)
Natascha Sadr Haghighian
Liberalität als Prüfstein
Felix Klopotek
Conceptualizing Backlash
Donatella Della Porta
Burka Nigab
Charles Kaltenbacher
„Nicht eine weniger“
Isabell Lorey
Sling Shot Action/Top U29
Renate Bertlmann
The Shallow Roots of Liberalism in Asia
Chua Beng Huat
There Are No More Ports For Flying Dutchmen
On the Populism of the IAE Critique
Boris Buden
Another day of you and me under conditions not of our own making (2018)
Mikhail Tolmachev
bauhaus imaginista
Hedwig Saxenhuber
David Wojnarowicz
Dietmar Schwärzler
Queer Stories
Bettina Brunner
Cady Noland
Hans-Jürgen Hafner
Hate Speech: Aggression und Intimität
Christoph Chwatal
The Culture Collider. Post-Exotic Art
Piotr Policht
Isabella Hollauf – Uneven
Georg Schöllhammer
Downtown Denise Scott Brown
Christa Benzer
Heinz Frank – Der Winkel des Endes kommt immer von hinten
Christian Egger
Gerard Byrne, Heidrun Holzfein, Klara Lidén
Milena Dimitrova
Tristan Garcia:
Peter Kunitzky
Doro Wiese:
F – Faust
Sabine Rohlf
Cornelia Sollfrank (Hg.):
Die schönen Kriegerinnen
Sabine Weier