Issue 4/2021
The power of the factual? Despite a long-standing belief in an intersubjective understanding concerning incontrovertible, generally accepted facts, the recent past has taught us better or – in most cases – revealed a clearly more negative scenario. Numbers, data, facts: indispensable as these are, constituting the cornerstones of any scientific world view against the backdrop of the global pandemic, this conversely also brings the recalcitrant perpetual hubbub of alternative facts and truths into play. However much staring at the figures day in and day out has become an almost fetishistic act in the midst of the “infodemic” that is likewise raging, we should not underestimate the erosive impact of constant quibbling about fundamental key data. “Normative power”, the phrase formerly used with reference to the factual, has lost virtually all ... » read more
When the forest smells like resin
On Rasa Smite’s and Raitis Smits’ VR installation Atmospheric Forest
Yvonne Volkart
Im Indie-Sektor der Elektronikspiele
Roland Schöny
Eyes Glazing Over
Christian Höller
Martin Conrads
Empathie und das Digitale
Katharina Gsöllpointner
Ästhetik des Wahrmachens
Suzana Milevska
Ceja Stojka – Arbeiten
Ceja Stojka
Testimoniale Horizonte
Milena Dimitrova
Hiwa K – Arbeiten
Hiwa K
Pflanzen und Gespenster
Sabine Rohlf
Und morgen verkauft er seine Heimat
Herwig G. Höller
Späte Zeugenschaft
Christa Benzer
Horses’ Traces
Mykola Ridnyi und Clemens von Wedemeyer
Lawrence Weiner 1942–2021
Silvia Eiblmayr, Susanne Neuburger
Oswald Wiener 1935–2021
Thomas Raab, November 2021
Illiberal Arts
Michael Hauffen
Kiew Biennale – Allied
Aleksei Borisionok
Katrin Hornek – Latent Soils
Ada Karlbauer
Der geteilte Picasso. Der Künstler und sein Bild in der BRD und der DDR
Tom Holert
David Tudor – Teasing Chaos
Susanne Neuburger
Andrea Fraser – This meeting is being recorded
Teresa Retzer
Ines Doujak – Geistervölker
Hedwig Saxenhuber
Christian Egger
Enjoy. The Limits of Our World
Maja Ćirić
Vika Kirchenbauer – Violet but more radical
Erec Gellautz
Matthew Fuller/Eyal Weizman:
Investigative Aesthetics
Christoph Chwatal
Hg. v. Benjamin H. D. Buchloh:
Michael Asher. Writings 1973–1983 on Works 1969–1979
Naoko Kaltschmidt
Donatella Di Cesare:
Philosophie der Migration
Peter Kunitzky
Abbas – Jean-David Morvan/Rafael Ortiz:
Muhammad Ali, Kinshasa 1974
Martin Reiterer