Issue 2/2024

Cultural Wars

One long-lasting war in Ukraine, more than eight months of war in the Middle East – and we are talking about “culture wars”? Are we in any way up to the seriousness of the situation if we give the – comparatively mild – skirmishes in the field of art the central stage? And must not every cultural aspiration inevitably fade when we think of the relentless real violence, regardless of who perpetrates it, and its unimaginable victims? What can art achieve in this context, apart from contributing to a kind of immunizing self-construction: we enlightened citizens of the world here, barbaric despisers of civilization elsewhere? Can or should culture even use a word like “war” or “struggle” when their semantics are experiencing a horrendous real-world overload? There is nothing to gloss over here, and every artistic approach must currently ask it... » read more


Net section

Nicht sichtbares Material
Christa Benzer

Der Default Tree am Ende der Zeit
Ada Karlbauer

Eher einschüchternd
Tilman Baumgärtel

Whatever You Throw at the Sea…
Fouad Asfour in conversation with interdisciplinary artist and researcher Zara Julius on the occasion of her exhibition at Weltmuseum Vienna

Jochen Becker


Cultural Wars

Strategien des Ausladens in „schwierigen Zeiten“
Patricia Grzonka

Confronting Catastrophic Retrotopia
Fadi Toufiq

Welt ohne Utopiemühle
Total Refusal

Joshua Simon

Die eigene Betroffenheit richtig universalisieren
Katharina Hausladen

Kultur, gecancelt!
Ana Teixeira Pinto

Im Labyrinth der Empfindlichkeiten
Süreyyya Evren

Politik gehört allen
Sabine Weier

Künstlerische Solidarität
Pip Day zusammen mit Grace Lostia, Daniel Gasol und Rüzgâr Buşki

Nachruf Marie-Luise Angerer 1958–2024
Marietta Kesting



Hans-Christian Dany – Hunger
Julia Moritz

Jenna Bliss
Theresa Roessler

Curtis Cuffie’s New York City
Paul Buschnegg

Survival in the 21st Century
Martin Conrads

Lily Greenham – An Art of Living
Carmela Thiele

Carola Dertnig – Dancing through Lif
Annette Südbeck

Jürgen Baldiga – Wie die Hölle, so die Erde. Wo die Hölle, da die Erde.
Julius Pristauz

Lacan, die Ausstellung: Wenn Kunst auf Psychoanalyse trifft
Rahma Khazam

Joan Jonas – Good Night, Good Morning
Hedwig Saxenhuber

Maria Lassnig – Selbst als Kamera
Christian Egger



Kimberly Juanita Brown:
Max L. Feldman

Anuradha Vikram:
Use Me at Your Own Risk
Kathrin Heinrich

Leah Hunt-Hendrix/Astra Taylor:
Christian Höller

Matteo Pasquinelli:
The Eye of the Master
Peter Kunitzky

