Issue 2/2012
Notions such as shifting values or declining moral standards, mostly referring to the way in which traditional values are corrupted or eroded, are bandied about in many quarters. At the same time material value, often associated with interventions rooted in individualism or private mythologies, seems to have assumed greater importance than ever before. How is this development made manifest in art? How have agendas once held to be positive and valuable been reappraised or abandoned over the past decade? What new directions have begun to emerge during this period? What new ways of viewing what is »valuable« and »valid« are currently taking hold, and what are the more or less viable ways of talking about these? These questions were the starting point for a cooperation we initiated with Kunsthaus Bregenz (KUB) at the start of 2012. From the o... » read more
Ten Ways to Survive an »Art Crazy Nation«
Notes on Critical Publishing in a UK context
Pauline van Mourik Broekman
Progressive Publishing
Simon Worthington
Image within image
The »Image Objects« of Artie Vierkant
Franz Thalmair
Between self-positioning and extraneous positioning
Artistic explorations of digital traces – three projects from the exhibition »Tracing Mobility«
Julia Gwendolyn Schneider
The Secret Life of Things
Rahma Khazam
Changing the Currency
On the Problems of Value and Critique in Art.
Simon Sheikh
Arrangement Marriott Hotel Brussels, 2011
Jochen Schmith
Where and Why You Shouldn’t Read Any Further
On Michel Foucault’s Lecture on January 21, 1976, at the Collège de France
Alice Creischer, Andreas Siekmann
Values without trust
How Precarious Work Is Shifting Social and Cultural Paradigms
Süreyyya Evren
Speak Mouthless
Tony Chakar
Freedom, Appropriation and Self-Empowerment, or: What’s the Matter with Cultural Studies?
Anette Baldauf
Tomorrow I'll become an idiot
From the Situationist International to the Occupy movement – observations from a sickbed
Hans-Christian Dany
Combining the incompatible
A conversation with Josef Dabernig about two of his most recent works – »Herna« (2010) and »Hypercrisis« (2011)
Christian Höller
»Travelling Time«
Eric Kluitenberg
»Les marques aveugles«
Matei Bellu
Kutlug Ataman
Süreyyya Evren
Andreas Fogarasi
»La ciudad de color / Vasarely Go Home«.
Juliane Debeusscher
»It’s The Political Economy, Stupid!«
Joshua Simon
Anna Jermolaewa
Christa Benzer
Archivo F.X./Pedro G. Romero
Michael Hauffen
»Animismus – Moderne hinter den Spiegeln«
Nicola Hirner
Heidrun Holzfeind
Ines Kleesattel
»Reality Manifestos, or Can Dialectics Break Bricks?«
Dietmar Schwärzler
Byung-Chul Han:
Topologie der Gewalt
Thomas Edlinger
Byung-Chul Han:
Thomas Edlinger
Hans Belting, Jacob Birken, Andrea Buddensieg, Peter Weibel (Hg.):
Global Studies
Dietrich Heißenbüttel
Raúl Zibechi:
Territorien des Widerstands
Jens Kastner
Wolfgang Ullrich:
An die Kunst glauben
Gislind Nabakowski
Dagmar Danko:
Zwischen Überhöhung und Kritik
Nina Schedlmayer