Issue 3/2015

Ethnography Now

The vanishing point of ethnography? The ethnological, or more generally speaking, the anthropological, as the field of vision of an art practice that concentrates primarily upon itself? Artists not necessarily as ethnographers, but geared, consciously or unconsciously, in what they do to an “ethnos” (literally “people”)? This idea, which may at first sight seem presumptuous, has gained fresh momentum recently. For some time now exhibitions have been reflecting on the status accorded to objects of everyday culture that do not per se aspire to any artistic added value. As a result, objects drawn from the most varied ethnographic contexts have shifted to a more central position in global art practice. It seems the huge global muddle can best be ordered through the prism of ethnic categories and fields of practice, moving beyond the idea of c... » read more

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Net section

Franz Thalmair

Raumsehen in Stereo
Christian Höller

Plunge into Proxy Politics
Boaz Levin, Vera Tollmann

About the Robin Hood Asset Management Cooperative
Tiziana Terranova

Commons nach Snowden
Krystian Woznicki


Ethnography Now

Immanente Widerstände
Pascal Jurt

Following the Modern Genealogy
Kader Attia

„They are so very different from us“
Who is the Stranger, who is the Other in the post-Socialist Nationalist Hungarian (art)scene?
Edit András

The Inability Of The Ghost To Talk Properly
Destabilizing The Authentic 1915-2015
Süreyyya Evren

Grenzerfahrungen im Rahmenprogramm
Nicolas Siepen

Fuck you!
Hildegund Amanshauser

Spezielle Funde, 1937–1939
Lesya Prokopenko



The Beast and the Sovereign
Juliane Debeusscher

Gareth Moore – A Burning Bag as a Smoke-Grey Lotus
Claire Power

Minouk Lim – United Paradox
Gislind Nabakowski

Trevor Paglen – Octopus
Sabine Maria Schmidt

Aurélien Froment – News from Earth/Fröbel gefröbelt
Gabriele Hoffmann

Robin Vanbesien – Gravidade
Bojana Cvejic

Daniel G. Andújar – Operating System
Juan S. Cárdenas

Camille Henrot – The Pale Fox
Jennifer J. Smailes

Fred Lonidier – Strike
Daniel Horn

Anna Artaker & Meike S. Gleim – Atlas von Arkadien
Lisa Ortner-Kreil

Krüger & Pardeller – Homo Faber. Ein räumliches Hörspiel in drei Teilen
Elisabeth Fritz



Ralph Eue/Florian Wüst (Hg.):
Die moderne Stadt
Michael Hauffen

Michèle Bernstein:
Alle Pferde des Königs
Manfred Hermes

Zygmunt Bauman:
Retten uns die Reichen?
Jens Kastner

Jean-Luc Nancy:
Demokratie und Gemeinschaft
Gislind Nabakowski

Julian Voloj/Claudia Ahlering:
Ghetto Brother: Bronx, NY
Martin Reiterer

