Issue 2/2011
Recently debates about immigration and asylum have once again become burning topics right across Europe. Approaches that put a positive twist on this development are in short supply, meaning that there is little to serve as a counter-balance to a knee-jerk sense of resentment, reflected in election outcomes in many European states. Even in more liberal political circles, the topic is mostly viewed in terms of integration and/or assimilation. What do people mean though when they talk about the ideal of »well-integrated migrants«? Does this merely signify linguistic integration into the dominant majority in society or does the term hint at much broader considerations? In the light of increasingly heterogeneous societies around the globe, is it legitimate to urge that immigrants should integrate? How can one conceive of cultural difference – a... » read more
Leaks, Remixes und die Unordnung der Diskurse
Felix Stalder
»We want our Facebook profiles back«
Vera Tollmann
Unsichtbare Selbstverständlichkeiten
Franz Thalmair
From Electronic Television to Invisible Architecture
Rahma Khazam
3D cinema – the missing link
Amir Vodka
Der alte Kampf Mensch gegen Maschine
Beate Scheder
Global flows and hybrid art in the age of siege
Nikos Papastergiadis
Turkish Women, West German Feminists, and the Gendered
Discourse on Muslim Cultural Difference
Rita Chin
Hürden, Prüfungen, Schikanen
Michael Hauffen
The Immigrants Are Alright
Süreyyya Evren
Der Wind, der den Nebel vorantreibt
Ljubomir Bratic
»Wir gehen nicht!«
Rubia Salgado
Übermorgen afrikanische Nacht
Jochen Becker
Our Workshop Is Not For Sale
Christian Hanussek
»Bleiben und Gehen«
Christian Kravagna
An interesting story, but not the whole one
Toni Maraini
Banu Cennetoglu
Rachel Mader
»When History Comes Knocking«
Michael Hauffen
Gerard Byrne »A Thing Is A Hole In A Thing It Is Not«
Luisa Ziaja
»Exercicis de Memòria – Ejercicios de Memoria – Exercises in Memory«
Karin Jaschke
Susan Hiller
Simon Rees
Gülsün Karamustafa »Etiquette«
Daniel Pies
Birgit Jürgenssen – Retrospektive
Judith Fischer
Manfred Pernice »sculpturama«
Nicola Hirner
»Songs of The Swamp/Lieder aus dem Morast«
Carola Platzek
»never that’s when …«
Andreas Spiegl
»X Freundschaftsanfragen«
Vera Tollmann
Joseph Vogl:
»Das Gespenst des Kapitals«
Peter Kunitzky
Gabriela Muri/Christian Ritter/Basil Rogger (Hg.):
Magische Ambivalenz
Rachel Mader
Steve Anker/Kathy Geritz/Steve Seid (Hg.):
Radical Light
Christian Höller
Suzana Milevska (Hg.):
The Renaming Machine – The Book
Christa Benzer
Duane Rouselle/Süreyyya Evren (Hg.):
Jens Kastner