Issue 2/2009

Model Laboratory Dance

The current dance scene as a testing ground and paradigm for interdisciplinary work? As a field that reflects (self-)critically on itself and its methods, its institutions and working conditions, as well as on its status in the midst of other arts? This description certainly fits the Tanzquartier Wien (TQW), founded in 2001, and the spring edition takes a look at the broad array of examples of dance, performance, discourse and crossover practices that have developed in and around this workshop. A small cross-section of the approaches that have developed or crystallised here seeks to show how this sphere can be understood as a role model for other artistic genres. Tanzquartier Wien has achieved a great deal in the eight years since it was set up: liberating dance performance from the straitjacket of companies and the production-oriented fe... » read more


Net section

Das Archiv als Ort der Versammlung
Yvonne Volkart

Der Fetisch beobachtet zurück
Martin Conrads

Video-Reponse: »Wo anfangen?«
Franz Thalmair

Curating Cairo: Tales of Countering the Epic
Nat Muller

Von der Radioaktivität zur Radioarchäologie
Roland Schöny

Futures & Pasts
Christian Höller


Model Laboratory Dance

Bewegte Häuser und neue Felder
Bettina Hagen

Dead Reckoning
Philipp Gehmacher / Vladimir Miller

Franz Anton Cramer

Forced Entertainment – Void Story
Tim Etchells

Die Bewohner der Bilder
Rabih Mroué

Auf der Suche nach dem »Physischen des Denkens«
Judith Helmer

I Object
Annemarie Matzke

The Metaseminar.
Theses on education and the experience of critical thought
Boyan Manchev

Open Up
Tanzquartier Wien



»Working Documents«
Antke Engel

Hans-Christian Dany

Shepard Fairey: Supply and Demand
Benjamin Paul

Richard Kriesche
Magdalena Verena Felice

Bahman Jalali
Walter Seidl

»No More Reality: Crowd and Performance«
Süreyyya Evren, Burak Delier

Georg Schöllhammer

Michaela Melián
Christa Benzer

»Whatever Happened to Sex in Scandinavia«
Ruth Noack

»Fotografie und das Unsichtbare«
Judith Fischer

»Living Together // Estrategias para la convivencia // Elkarbizitzarako estrategiak«
Hedwig Saxenhuber

Ree Morton
Matthias Klos

Rebecca Baron, Dorit Margreiter
Johannes Porsch



Gustav Deutsch / Film Curatorship / Jean Epstein
Alexandra Seibel

Simon Critchley:
Unendlich fordernd
Hans-Christian Dany

Isabelle Graw:
Der große Preis
Peter Kunitzky

Johanna Schaffer:
Ambivalenzen der Sichtbarkeit
Susanne Lummerding

Nora Sternfeld:
Das pädagogische Unverhältnis
Carmen Mörsch

