Issue 1/2016

New Materialism

New materials, new materialism? To what extent is it possible to detect resolutely “neomaterialist” approaches in art, which has always engaged with aspects of materiality and objectness? Can a theoretical shift also be identified in conjunction with the ongoing interrogation of objectness, the status of art’s specific objectivity? How might it be possible to describe this shift, even if it should prove impossible to derive a new “ism” from this development? The last few years have seen increased attention devoted to this kind of neo-materialist, realistic or object-oriented approach, at least in the world of theory. While there may be a broad spectrum of reasons for this phenomenon, a shared point of departure can indubitably be identified in the fact that unreserved trust is no longer placed in the “immaterial” (or “dematerialisation”)... » read more

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Net section

Blickverhältnisse im Drohnenzeitalter
Julia Gwendolyn Schneider

Echte Mächte?
Christian Höller

Themencluster Expansion
Eugen El

Web-to-Print und ähnliche Bewegungen
Franz Thalmair

No Future
Gerald Raunig


New Materialism

The Matter of the Posthuman
Rosi Braidotti

KAYA V (2015)
Kerstin Brätsch / Debo Eilers

Müll zu Gold?
Yvonne Volkart

The Coming Materialism
Marina Vishmidt

Debt and the Materiality of the Dividual
Joshua Simon

"100 billion rows per second"
Culture Industry in the Early 21st Century
Lev Manovich

Dispossed and Watered-Down
Hegemonic Neomaterialism and its Limitations
Suhail Malik

Die komplexe Materialität der Körper
Dietrich Heißenbüttel



Toni Schmale – Superego
Manfred Hermes

Context is Half the Work
Jörn Ebner

Ade Darmawan – Magic Center
Gabriele Hoffmann

Franz Wanner – Dual-Use
Michael Hauffen

Anna K.E. – Teen Factory
Devi Dumbadze

Józef Robakowski – Energetic Reel
Łukasz Mojsak

Social Glitch
Christa Benzer

to expose, to show, to demonstrate, to inform, to offer
Holger Kube Ventura

Andrea Božić und Julia Willms | TILT
Carola Platzek

Resistance Performed
Yvonne Volkart



Hans-Christian Dany:
Schneller als die Sonne
Pascal Jurt

Susanne von Falkenhausen:
Jenseits des Spiegels
Peter Kunitzky

Thomas Edlinger:
Der wunde Punkt
Gislind Nabakowski

Younn Locard/Florent Grouazel:
Martin Reiterer

