Issue 4/2018
“The history of human progress is truly heroic,” writes American philosopher Steven Pinker in his recent book Enlightenment Now. Pinker’s fact-driven call for humanism rooted in rationality seems to have been written at the right moment – at a point in time or rather in a socio-cultural climate in which precisely these fundamental categories are increasingly called into question. Enlightenment, human reason, fact-based knowledge, even aesthetic experience – all these cornerstones of the modern view of humankind and the world, which are increasingly discredited today, have one thing in common: they all offer as a response something better than what has existed or been achieved to date. Indeed, they strive to attain a transition from what is “old” and diagnosed as inadequate to something that is “new” and considered less deficie... » read more
Im Blick des Algorithmus
Julia Gwendolyn Schneider
Postdigitales Performen
Christian Höller
Unter dem Radar
Thomas Raab
Mit toten Maschinen geschaffene Kunst
Andrea Uváčiková
Präemption des Politischen
Krystian Woznicki
Climate Games
Yvonne Volkart
Stop and Go
Interview with Oxana Timofeeva and Dmitry Vilensky of the Artist Group Chto Delat
Pascal Jurt
#17, The New Dead End Street
Summer School of Orientation in Zapatism (2017)
Chto Delat
Prog 2.0
Diedrich Diederichsen
Pessimism of the Will, Optimism of the Intellect
Lawrence Grossberg
Danh Võ’s "We the People"
Another Look at the Statue of Liberty
Caitlin Dover
Fortschritt (1974)
Johann Jascha
From the Past’s Future to the Present
Dreaming of an Enlightened Society
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A Different Shape of Progress
Contemporary Art and Social Inclusion
Catherine Sarah Young
Strassenbilder Wien (1967)
Kiki Kogelnik
Eco-Visionaries. Kunst, neue Medien und Ökologie nach dem Anthropozän
Sabine Maria Schmidt
Lynn Hershman Leeson – First Person Plural
Jörn Ebner
Ein rebellischer Visionär. Retrospektive Vjenceslav Richter
Hier und Jetzt: Günter Peter Straschek: Emigration – Film – Politik
Madeleine Bernstorff
Julie Becker – I must create a Master Piece to pay the Rent
Kathi Hofer
Public Art Munich 2018 – Game Changers
Agnieszka Roguski
Radical Women: Latin American Art, 1960–1985
Ana Hoffner
Manifesta 12 – Der planetarische Garten. Koexistenz kultivieren
Manuela Pacella
20 Propositions
Christoph Chwatal
Film und mehr. Aus den Archiven von Kurt Kren und Ernst Schmidt jr.
Bettina Brunner
Anselm Franke/Tom Holert (Hg.):
Neolithische Kindheit
Naoko Kaltschmidt
Walter D. Mignolo/Catherine E. Walsh:
On Decoloniality
Jens Kastner
Mary Jane Jacob:
Dewey for Artists
Martin Krenn
Karina Nimmerfal (Hg. von Reinhard Braun):
Indirect Interviews with Women
Antonia Rahofer